
Student 1
Learned: Glaciers and ice berg melting will effect sea levels
Wants to Know: currents

Student 2
Learned: Relative distance of sun and moon compared to the earth
Wants to Know: the dark side of the moon

Student 3
Learned: What about the moon and how we see it, where we see it by using balls. Good visual
Wants to Know: Climate change

Student 4
Learned: Different ways that energy transfers
Wants to Know: How can we use it in the classroom

Student 5
Learned: How the earth and moon look to space and how it correlates with the view from earth
Wants to Know: Ice melting and how to measure the effects

Student 6
Learned: How half of the moon is always dark
Wants to Know: What it looks like

Student 7
Learned: Dark side of the moon, and how it effects how we see the moon
Wants to Know: how well will teaching the moon dance go to students

Student 8
Learned: Energy budget
Wants to Know: How the chapters will all come together

Student 9
Learned: Moon is closer to the earth than the sun
Wants to Know: what the dark side of the moon looks like

Student 10
Learned: moon dance is harder to do inside than outside
Wants to Know: how to do more global climate change activities for a class room

Student 11
Wants to Know:

Peer Instructor
Learned: moon dance is harder to do inside than outside
Wants to Know: how to do more global climate change activities for a class room

Peer Instructor
Wants to Know:

Learned: fix the ice maker!
Wants to Know: how to answer all of your questions!

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