
Student 1
Learned: Looking back on my old work, I didn't even write anything, it is so interesting to me that i have learned so much in such little time
Wants to Know:How the final will go

Student 2
Learned:I learned so much in this class, surprised about how much I was able to recall
Wants to Know: how the things i learn in this class will relate to other classes

Student 3
Learned:I didn't want to sound dumb in my first diagnostic questions so I was very general, now I have learned so much
Wants to Know: What I will use in my classroom

Student 4
Learned: I learned that I learned so much in this class
Wants to Know: How the final is going to go

Student 5
Learned: That I also learned so much and my attitude has changed with how think about science and I will teach science
Wants to Know: How the rest of the video went

Student 6
Learned:I am much better at explaining the concepts than I was at the beginning at the term
Wants to Know: How I will apply this class to my future classroom

Student 7
Learned:I learned that I learned a lot and my views towards teaching science have changed through learning
Wants to Know: How next term will go when I volunteer in the 5th grade classroom

Student 8
Learned:A LOT! that i enjoy science when learning through a more activity based instead of a lecture setting, I really really enjoy science and would love to teach in this way
Wants to Know: Wondering how I am going to integrate this material into my own class

Student 9
Learned: This class has been so much fun for me, the most fun science class I have taken. I have a pretty good background and now I know more details.
Wants to Know: Are there more classes similar to this one

Student 10
Learned:that I learned a lot in this class, I had the right idea initially, but I now know how to explain what I know
Wants to Know: When I can go back to the classroom

Student 11
Learned: Specifically I learned about the seasons, I have learned that it is because of the tilt
Wants to Know: How my time management skills will help me get all my stuff done

Student 12
Wants to Know:

Peer Instructor
Learned: The more that I do this the more that I learn and I learned about the seasons and the moon
Wants to Know: how I am going to use this in my classroom

Peer Instructor
Learned: That I really do love science and I am obsessed with the moon and rainbows
Wants to Know: How I will still stay involved

Learned: That the students made it all worth it
Wants to Know: Will you use it in your classes, or will the pressure against it make you not use it

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