You are here: start » days » fall2012daybyday » fall2012day11 » reflections
Student 1
Learned: that seasons aren't about how close we are to the sun
Wants to Know: melting in water and mass and how water expands
Student 2
Learned: that when the earth is closer to the sun it is not summer, its about the tilt of the Earth
Wants to Know: how the weather changes on Earth and how this effects things?
Student 3
Learned: that earth is tilted and that the sun, moon, and the earths allignment have also effected this storm
Wants to Know: more about how this storm has happened
Student 4
Learned: how australia is summer when we are in winter
Wants to Know: how the kids will like the discovery day and what question they will ask
Student 5
Learned: that the earth is tilted and that is the reason for the seasons, i had never noticed that is why the globe is tilted
Wants to Know: if the west coast could ever have a storm like the east coast?
Student 6
Learned: it is hard to plan a 30 minute activity with kids
Wants to Know: the seasons and how the earth spinning around its axis and revolving around the sun all comes together
Student 7
Learned: the seasons don't deal with the distance from the sun to earth
Wants to Know: how I will deal with the school experience and how to handle all of the kids
Peer Instructor
Learned: during a full moon the tide is high, this made the storm on the east coast worse
Wants to Know: more about what triggers hurricanes and the sevarity of them
Peer Instructor
Learned: the rock/ice experiment didn't go as planned
Wants to Know: how discovery days and the rest of the termw ill go
Learned: we were able to address a real life event of the climate changes, as future teachers you should know about this
Wants to Know: if we should be talking about clouds and why there are storms