Example Student Responses for Homework Week 7

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Homework Week 7

Student 1 Technology is a huge part of our everyday lives, so I feel it is important to teach children how to utilize these resources to their fullest potential while they are young and pick up new skills rapidly. I also feel this is important because it shows children there are multiple ways of achieving your goal. Say that you want to measure the temperature of something. There are manual thermometers or there are temperature probes, both achieve the same goal through they work in vastly different ways, and I feel that children should realize this. I think that I will use the Internet frequently. I will also use DVDs and YouTube clips. I will also use the standard overhead projector. I will always try to use technology when doing science units, because honestly children get excited about using technology, so if I can spread that excitement to the actual science learning this would be a good thing!
Student 2 I feel that technology is a very important aspect of teaching at the elementary level. It can be integrated in very creative and exciting ways as well. I have enjoyed using technology in this course. It has given me ideas for future use of technology in my own classroom. I really like the digital thermometers. I feel that these are great tools for children. There are many fun experiments children can use the thermometers for. I thought using hot and cold temperatures to create letters on the computer graphs would be a fun thing for students to do. Technology is important for students to learn, because it is such an important aspect in the school system. The further along in your education you go, the more technology you use. I will definitely integrate technology into my elementary classroom, and I will especially do this with science. I feel that it can make science more hands on and more of a visual learning experience :)

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