
Student 1
Learned: I thought it was interesting to see why mirrors are used cameras.
Wants to Know: I'm wondering if different materials make a difference in the pinhole camera.

Student 2
Learned: I understand better how light leaves its source in all directions and travels in straight lines.
Wants to Know: I want to experiment with a pinhole camera using a different light bulb.

Student 3
Wants to Know: In regards to the yard stick experiment, if there are many shadows on the page, would a yard stick line up with all of them?

Student 4
Learned: To make sure to be conscious of my learning, and being careful with my vocabulary.
Wants to Know: I'm wondering how you could change the light bulb you're using to change the experiments.

Student 5
Learned: Light travels in straight lines.
Wants to Know: Without the tinfoil, if you use different materials or a different pinhole shape, what would happen?

Student 6
Learned: No matter what, light travels in a straight line.
Wants to Know: I'm wondering if the pinhole experiment works on a bigger scale.

Student 7
Learned: Drawing the diagram for the pinhole experiment helped me understand how light travels in straight lines.
Wants to Know: I want to experiment with my pinhole camera using different colored light bulbs.

Student 8
Learned: Linking powerful ideas helped me make more sense of things.
Wants to Know: Would using a different size hole in the pinhole camera make a difference?

Student 9
Learned: Making sense of powerful ideas helped me understand how the pinhole camera works.
Wants to Know: If we made the pinhole camera a longer tube, how would the image change.

Student 10
Learned: I understand now how light travels straight in all directions.
Wants to Know: I want to change the hole in the pinhole camera to a heart or a star.

Student 11
Learned: I understand things much better when I can visually see what's going on.
Wants to Know: I'm curious if you put multiple holes in the foil, if that would change what you see.

Student 12
Learned: I learned, through trial and error, why the image in the pinhole camera flips.
Wants to Know: I wonder if the hole was bigger, if you'd still be able to see the image.

Student 13
Learned: From every single point of a light bulb, multiple rays are leaving in straight lines.
Wants to Know:

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