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Sun/Earth/Moon System Phenomena

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In Physics 111, students and instructors study the moon throughout the term by making observations, making predictions, drawing and writing, experimenting, discussing, questioning, etc. The topic of the moon is an example of ongoing discussion of subject matter because there is a great deal of exploration and piecing things together that need to occur before students will understand the phases of the moon. This page elaborates on each segment of the students building their understandings of the moon.

Week 1: Beginning to Observe Sun and Moon Phenomena

Opening Conversations About Light

Diagnostic Questions-Light and Shadows

Shadow Exploration

More Shadow Explorations

Diagnostic Questions-Sun/Moon and Science Pedagogy

Orientation to the Sky

Week 2-4: Ongoing Explorations of Sun and Moon Phenomena

Ongoing Conversations About the Moon

Rooftop Explorations

Pinhole Cameras

Powerful Ideas About Light

Diameter of the Sun

Generating Questions About the Sun and Moon

Class Observations of the Moon

Week 5: Predicting Where and When to Look for the Moon

Moon Prediction Charts

Week 6-8: Moon Dances

Moon Dance 1: Developing the Model that the Moon Revolves Around the Earth

Moon Dance 2: Developing Earth and Space Perspectives for Phases of the Moon

Moon Dance 3: Developing an Understanding of the Moon's Own Shadow

Moon Dance 4: Developing Alternate Perspectives for Phases of the Moon and Applications

Week 9: Moon Paper

Student Moon Reflections

Moon Paper

Week 10: Reasons for Seasons

Seasons Dance