
Student 1
Learned: How to use logger lite. How drastic the difference can be when you change the amount of water. How to see the moon!
Wants to Know: How will the shape of the moon will change over the days.

Student 2
Learned: I relearned that metal is a conductor, styrofoam is an insulator. I forgot why metal was cold when you touch it.
Wants to Know:Can you see the moon? It's already so small.

Student 3
Learned: Why in the classroom it is important to do the equal and unequal amounts and temperature
Wants to Know: Shape of the moon? Will it get bigger or smaller?

Student 4
Learned: Why different materials feel differently even though they are the same temperature
Wants to Know:What is going to happen with the moon?

Student 5
Learned:Why the blocks are the same temperature even though they felt different to the touch.
Wants to Know: What other activities and labs we will do to go over thermal phenomena

Student 6
Learned: Refined ideas and knowledge about thermal conductivity. And refined my terminology for it.
Wants to Know: What will happen with the moon?

Student 7
Learned: Metals
Wants to Know: Our new question

Student 8
Learned: Energy flow from hot to cold
Wants to Know: What else I will learn from the moon

Peer Instructor
Learned: Weather can change really fast
Wants to Know: How will the walk home be…

Peer Instructor
Learned: No matter how hard or much you want it to work, it doesn't mean it is going to work.
Wants to Know:Will I ever get it to work?

Peer Instructor
Wants to Know:

Learned: Last year at this time, you shouldn't leave hot water getting hot, it boils and it melts. this year, if you start with hot water, you won't see what you are expected to see. Room temperature water needs to be available
Wants to Know: How will survive this next week.

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