Exploring Physics Learning in the Context of Light

I had the students draw pictures about what they already knew about light and the experiences they had with light and how they learned about the different phenomena they experienced and saw. Many talked about rainbows and how they discovered them. All the students learned about things in different ways, from teachers and classes to their parents or experiencing them on their own and their curiosity grew. I was very nervous about going up and explaining what they all would be doing but I feel it went well for a first time. After they all started drawing pictures, I went to some groups to see how they all learned and to see what they were and to ask what how they learned. Afterwards, all the groups stood up and introduced themselves and talked about their pictures. I then had the students come up with words that they all heard during the presentations about how they learned and their experiences. Then I had two volunteers write these words down. They all had great words but they didn't seem very excited about the words they were telling us. This experience for me was very nerve racking. I had never taught a class and I was very nervous. I was afraid of messing up what I was teaching and I slipped up a few times. I feel it went pretty well for the first time and I know with experience that I will be better at teaching the class. I don't feel I was entirely prepared for my experience today and I will prepare a little better for next class.

Aspects that foster science learning experiences
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