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Considering the Influence of Light and Thermal Phenomena on Global Climate
What happen when light energy from the Sun shines on earth?
First ask the class if they have heard about the Greenhouse effect and have their small groups discuss what they know. Then come together as a class to Explain the Greenhouse Effect:
- Resource for thinking about greenhouse effect:
- how hot a car gets inside if the windows are closed and sun shines on the car.
- Visible light can move through glass but infrared cannot
- Light energy absorbed by car seats is re-emitted as infrared and is reflected back from the glass windows so stays in the car.
- When sunlight shines on the earth, water reflects more than sand. Sand absorbs and gets hot. Hot objects emit infrared radiation
- Visible light can shine on earth and be absorbed and re-emitted as infra red radiation. If there are clouds, some of the infra red light rays do not escape into space but are reflected back to Earth. This warms the Earth. Note that presence of clouds is increased if have warm moist air that rises. Also if have gases such as carbon dioxide, methane, water vapor,