Heat and Temperature Diagnostic Questions

The Four Metal Plates:

1. Consider (without touching) four plates:two metal plates, a wooden plate, a Styrofoam plate.
Rank these in order of temperature.
Explain the reasoning for your predicted ranking.

2. Touch the four plates.
Rank these in order of temperature.
Explain the reasoning for your ranking.

Student Responses
Students will likely think that the plates are all different temperatures because the plates feel different when the students touch them.
The students will likely rate the dark metal plate as coldest, next the lighter metal plate, then the wood plate, and the styrofoam as the warmest.

Heat and Temperature Pre DQ Response

Exploring the Diagnostic Question
Understanding the Heat and Temperature Diagnostic Questions

Re-Visiting the Diagnostic Question
Heat and Temperature Post-Diagostic Question

Heat and Temperature Post DQ Response

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