
Student 1
Learned: More about the turning around of acceleration.
Wants to Know: How and what I will take away from this class.

Student 2
Learned: Thoughts about velocity and acceleration cleared up.
Wants to Know: What the final is going to be like.

Student 3
Learned: More about the different graphs and how the three graphs are related to each other.
Wants to Know: I would like a better understanding of the three graphs.

Student 4
Learned: More about how the three graphs are related.
Wants to Know: How the final is going to go related to the graphs.

Student 5
Learned: Better understanding of position and velocity.
Wants to Know: How the final will go, related to graphs.

Student 6
Learned: More about the graphs related to velocity and acceleration.
Wants to Know: How the final will go and my ability to talk through the graphs.

Student 7
Learned: More about velocity and acceleration and how they work together.
Wants to Know: How you are going to take our feedback and change the course for the future.

Student 8
Learned: More about the velocity and acceleration graphs and how they relate.
Wants to Know: What I am going to remember from this class in the future.

Student 9
Learned: More about the relationship between velocity and acceleration.
Wants to Know: How the final will go and if I will have enough time to finish the 5 questions.

Student 10
Learned:Understanding graphs is important in order to explain them to people.
Wants to Know: If you will do the motion detectors next year with the school visit?

Student 11
Learned: How to put all of the graphs together.
Wants to Know: How I am going to be able to teach my students the concepts I learned in this class.

Student 12
Learned: More about the graphs even though I am not confident with explaining them.
Wants to Know: How many points the final is.

Student 13
Learned: More about the graphs.
Wants to Know:If I will ever use my textbook from this class with the my future students.

Student 14
Learned: How helpful it is to understand something enough to explain it to others.
Wants to Know: How all of this information I got from this term will be used when I am a teacher.

Student 15
Wants to Know:

Student 16
Wants to Know:

Peer Instructor
Learned: How the class visit went for everyone.
Wants to Know: What everyone will take away from the course and use as a teacher.

Peer Instructor
Wants to Know:

Learned: it is important to be flexible as a teacher.
Wants to Know: If today was useful or if it was more confusing. What everyone will take away from the course and use as a teacher later on.

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