Opening Conversations About Light 2

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Light Activities
Opening Conversations About Light

After completing the Light Diagnostic Question about how we can see a basketball, Emily opened up the conversations about light by having the students draw a picture of a light bulb, and by using words to describe how the light was leaving the light bulb. Emily's pedagogical open-ended activities, small group discussions and collaboration, and the process of inquiry ignited students' interests in both the scientific phenomena of light and in a new process of learning!

Emily: I'd like you to turn your paper over to the other side. And I would just like you to just draw a picture of the light bulb, and how you think about light leaving that light bulb. Draw a picture of the lit light bulb and use words to write about how you would describe the light leaving the light bulb.

Emily: Picture of the lit light and also some words about how that is happening.

Emily: Now without writing on your papers anymore, leaving your papers just as they are, and share what you have thought and written with a partner and see if there are similarities in what you have written. And if there are differences, is there anything different about how you see the light? (8:47)

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