Today I had the class document what they thought the temperature of different material would be. All groups said that the Styrofoam would be the warmest and the metals would be cold. After they made predictions on what order they thought the material would be in they all felt the different materials, Styrofoam, wood , and two metal blocks. Their predictions all matched up to what they felt when they touched the material. Then I gave them a thermometer so they could measure the temperatures of the different blocks. They all came up with the same temperature for each and many of the groups thought the thermometer was broken because it showed the same temp for different materials that felt different temps. Many groups touched the bulb of the thermometer to see if it was actually working and they found that it was. Many of the groups were confused as to why they would all be the same temperature. I heard some things about why it would be, like the density of the object has to do with why they feel different but have different temps. I felt good today about talking about temperature and felt I did well today. Courteney Vogt

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