
Student 1
Learned: When you change direction, the motion of velocity will go through zero
Wants to Know: How lesson plan is going to go in the classroom

Student 2
Learned:When you change direction, velocity goes through zero
Wants to Know: Excited and wondering how lesson plan is going to go

Student 3
Learned: Pay attention to details as a teacher
Wants to Know: If meeting up tuesday will go smoothly

Student 4
Learned: Graphs broken down made more sense
Wants to Know: How lesson will go

Student 5
Learned: How to visually represent motion with graphs
Wants to Know: How will tuesday go

Student 6
Learned: See each part of graph broken down
Wants to Know: How tuesday will go

Student 7
Learned: Firmer understanding of motion detectors
Wants to Know: How students will review book

Student 8
Wants to Know:

Peer Instructor
Learned: More about position/velocity and graph set up is important
Wants to Know:How tuesday will go

Peer Instructor
Learned: More about graph set up
Wants to Know: How tuesday will go

Peer Instructor
Wants to Know:

Learned: Set up of graph is important - detail
Wants to Know:If anyone made sense out of sea ice melting story

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