
Student 1
Learned: specific guidelines about teaching science
Wants to Know: about rainbows

Student 2
Learned:relating light with geometric shapes
Wants to Know: about moon

Student 3
Learned: how to find the diameter of the sun
Wants to Know: moon project, to see how much further it goes each day

Student 4
Learned: diameter of the sun
Wants to Know: if at 10pm if the moon will go down or move

Student 5
Learned: the sun is approximately 1 million miles in diameter
Wants to Know: how else geometry plays into what we will learn

Student 6
Learned: learned that we also learn about math
Wants to Know: what else we are going to learn in this class

Student 7
Wants to Know:

Student 8
Wants to Know:

Peer Instructor
Learned: keep track of vocabulary
Wants to Know: about rainbows

Peer Instructor
Learned: the way the group showed the image getting bigger with the similar triangle diagram
Wants to Know: how teaching about rainbows is going to go

Peer Instructor
Wants to Know:

Learned: it is best to give people the opportunity to get them to do what they want to do
Wants to Know: will we ever see the sun?

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