You are here: start » days » fall2014daybyday » fall2014day13 » reflections
Student 1
Learned: Inferred radiation
Wants to Know: Inferred radiation
Student 2
Learned: Sun is the moon's source of light
Wants to Know: What would happen if we had no sun
Student 3
Learned: Two models for moon moving across the sky
Wants to Know: Green house effect
Student 4
Learned: How to demonstrate the different phases of the moon outside
Wants to Know: How to tell what kind of materials the inferred will go through and not go through
Student 5
Learned: How a car gets warm and inferred light
Wants to Know: Inferred
Student 6
Learned: Energy budget
Wants to Know: Activity with inferred in class?
Student 7
Learned: Rotating model with sun and moon
Wants to Know: Average of midterm
Student 8
Learned: Inferred light cannot penetrate through glass
Wants to Know: Final exam
Student 9
Learned: Modeling the moon
Wants to Know: What makes the Earth that spin on it's axis
Student 10
Wants to Know:
Student 11
Wants to Know:
Peer Instructor
Wants to Know:
Peer Instructor
Wants to Know:
Wants to Know: