
Student 1
Learned: How refraction changes light.
Wants to Know: If refraction helps eyesight under water?

Student 2
Learned: About reflection of light rays on mirror.
Wants to Know: More about refraction.

Student 3
Learned: HOw a rainbow was made with raindrops.
Wants to Know: What other fun stuff we will learn, that is so simple but interesting.

Student 4
Learned: Different colors in spectrum come out at different angles.
Wants to Know: Why rainbow actually bends.

Student 5
Learned: How light bounces off diff. surfaces.
Wants to Know: How to get info onto website successfully?

Student 6
Learned: How frustrating it is to run out of time.
Wants to Know: HOw everyone will be able to get a hand on being a teacher.

Student 7
Wants to Know: If we are going to explore these topics more.

Student 8
Learned: How light reflects off diff surfaces
Wants to Know: If we are going to slow down a little.

Student 9
Learned: How light reflects off diff surfaces
Wants to Know: Why the colors come out of water differently.

Student 10
Learned: How refraction works.
Wants to Know: More about rainbows and the colors.

Student 11
Learned: Difference between relfection and refraction.
Wants to Know: More about topic of dispersion.

Student 12
Learned: About refraction and reflection, the differences between the two.
Wants to Know: More in depth of different concepts we just learned.

Student 13
Learned: Why light looks diff in water, how it bends.
Wants to Know: How light reacts in other materials, such as gas?

Student 14
Wants to Know:
Student 15
Wants to Know:

\\Peer Instructor
Learned: It's important to have materials properly prepared for successful learning.
Wants to Know: I f you guys will see moon for questions u made.

Peer Instructor
Wants to Know:

Peer Instructor
Wants to Know:

Learned: Less is more.
Wants to Know:

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