You are here: start » days » fall2012daybyday » fall2012day6 » reflections
Student 1
Learned: the names of different phases of the moon
Wants to Know: still wondering how exactly the moon moves
Student 2
Learned:you can represent heat transfer in an equation
Wants to Know: conservation of energy and where we will go with that
Student 3
Learned: heat energy goes from hot to cold
Wants to Know: if I will be able to connect the words to the math and understand it
Student 4
Learned: a practical way to show that the earth is farther away from the sun than moon
Wants to Know: how half the moon is shaded when looking from the solar system
Student 5
Learned: the phases of the moon and be able to draw them out by my self
Wants to Know: how I will deal with the homework and the question about heat conservation with the equation
Student 6
Learned: the conservation of energy and how temperatures eventually find an equillibrium
Wants to Know: what else we will learn about with heat
Student 7
Learned: how the moon and sun look from the solar system and the moon is always half shaded
Wants to Know: how the homework will go with the conservation of energy question
Peer Instructor
Learned: sometimes you have to fastforward through concepts to stay on track and make sure not to fall behind
Wants to Know: as a teacher how you decide what concpets need more time
Peer Instructor
Learned: how important it is for me to explain everything, like how to use materials and make sure everyone understands
Wants to Know: looking at the moon from above and how you will figure it out and grasping that concept
Learned: because of the great moon observations we have had we needed to spend part of today on that, taking away from the time we could spend on the thermal phenomenoma
Wants to Know: what the cost in terms of your understanding with me telling you the conservation of energy equation