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Wondering about falling objects on the earth and moon
Wondering about falling objects on the earth and the moon
- Aristotle: heavy objects fall faster
- Galileo: heavy and light objects fall at the same rate
Galileo’s logical argument:
- If tie heavy and light objects together, and heavy falls faster, light object should drag the heavy one back, so the two together fall slower than the heavy object alone
- BUT if tie heavy and light objects together, and heavy falls faster, the two together are heavier than the heavy object, and so the two together should fall faster than the heavy object alone.
- The two tied together can not fall both slower and faster than the heavy object alone, so they must fall at the same rate.
Exploration with heavy and light objects
- Place the two objects on a board, hold over a cardboard landing spot, flip them off the board together, listen for one sound or sounds landing.
-Youtube of falling objects on the moon
-DVD of first graders talking about falling objects