You are here: start » days » fall2012daybyday » fall2012day17 » reflections
Student 1
Learned: more about velocity and position and how to represent it on a graph
Wants to Know: not sure
Student 2
Learned:how velocity is related to position, velocity was new for me. But I understand it now.
Wants to Know: how this term will end
Student 3
Learned: more about velocity vs time graphs, and clarified some parts
Wants to Know: if we will be doing acceleration?
Student 4
Learned: how to describe and explain the graph
Wants to Know: if I will know how to explain it next week
Student 5
Learned: the difference between speed and velocity
Wants to Know: how much time it will take for me to finish the paper
Student 6
Learned: even with simple direction people can take it different ways, and make differnt ways
Wants to Know: how the position graph didn't change when I changed how I was moving
Student 7
Learned: we had two different graphs and I could explain either way, and how to organize these graphs
Wants to Know: how long it will take me to finish the paper
Peer Instructor
Learned: I need to listen to what the students have to say before I begin to explain because they often understand what they are doing
Wants to Know: if acceleration will be as easy as velocity was for this class
Learned: how to make decisions with limited time and energy, I had to make the choice of direct instruction
Wants to Know: do the best you can on the paper