You are here: start » days » fall2012daybyday » fall2012day3 » reflections
Student 1
Learned: understood the pinhole concept better, because of the visual realization with the sun ray diagram
Wants to Know: why the moon seems to set a lot faster than the sun?
Student 2
Learned: the similar angles and ratios with the ray diagram
Wants to Know: if we are able to see the moon next class
Student 3
Learned: the straight line that light travels in represented by the meter stick
Wants to Know: why the moon had moved from the same spot at the same time one night to a different spot three nights later?
Student 4
Learned: the calculation to find the diameter of the sun
Wants to Know: if you can use the same calculation to find the diameter of the moon? is the moon bright enough?
Student 5
Learned: how to use the algebra and ratios in physics
Wants to Know: why did the moon set so fast this morning?
Student 6
Learned: the similar angles and stright lines in the ray diagram
Wants to Know: will the moon set at the same time tomorrow? earlier?
Student 7
Learned: there are many differnt ways to solve a problem.
Wants to Know: how full will the moon be on Thursday?
Student 8
Learned: the most logical way to solve something for me, may not be the best/easiest way to solve a problem.
Wants to Know: can you use the pinhole to find the diameter of the moon?
Peer Instructor
Learned: math really isn't that bad.
Wants to Know: how thursday will go, and excited about the moon and how bright and visable it has been
Peer Instructor
Learned: that it is good to see the math process that students go through, to remember how you learned the same concept
Wants to Know: if the class is going to be able to able the algebraic ideas learned today to other concpets/senarios
Learned: the moon was not where I was expecting it to be, cultural resources are useful
Wants to Know: if it will work to see the moon on Thursday