
Student 1
Learned: How the graphs were different than our predictions.
Wants to Know: Why the last graph was different than what it should have been.

Student 2
Learned: How the moon always is half lit in space.
Wants to Know: Where are we going with this topic.

Student 3
Learned: More about the moon's movement influences what we see.
Wants to Know: Why I never learned about anything about solar system growing up. Also, more about the movement of the moon.

Student 4
Learned: How the moon is always half lit from space.
Wants to Know: What activities related to motion detectors will we do next.

Student 5
Learned: How we see certain shapes of the moon.
Wants to Know:

Student 6
Learned: More about motion and velocity.
Wants to Know: How the moon and the sun play a part in the seasons.

Student 7
Learned: Connection of the moon is half lit, but its position in sky affects how we see it.
Wants to Know: Why Earth rotates.

Student 8
Learned: That Earth rotates.
Wants to Know: What would happen if everyone lived on one continent, weight shift?

Student 9
Learned: More about how moon is actually half lit.
Wants to Know: More about motion graphs, how they differ when moving towards.

Student 10
Learned: How moon is half lit.
Wants to Know: How often the graph messes up.

Student 11
Learned: That the whole part of the moon is lit.
Wants to Know: How the moon affects the oceans.

Student 12
Learned: Learned more about motion with example of basketball and motion detectors.
Wants to Know:

Student 13
Learned: More about looking at sun, moon, and Earth from solar system point of view.
Wants to Know:

Student 14
Learned: There are some really cool kids books about science.
Wants to Know: Can we get a list of recommended books.
Student 15
Wants to Know:

\\Peer Instructor
Learned: Things don't always go as planned.
Wants to Know: How thursday will go?

Peer Instructor
Learned: That scales on the graphs make a difference of how they turn out.
Wants to Know: What is the perfect scale, what did Chantelle's mother choose for main activity?

Peer Instructor
Wants to Know:

Wants to Know: How to reduce the content of the course?

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