Providing Feedback About This Course

Have students fill out the following questions (from 1-5, 1 beinning not interested and 5 beinning interested):

  1. To what extend were you interested in science before this course?
  2. To what extent are you interested in science now?
  3. How likely would you teach science through inquiry in your own classroom before this course?
  4. How likely will you teach science through inquiry in your own classroom now?
  5. How likely would you integrate science literacy learning in you own classroom before this course?
  6. How likely would you integrate science literacy learning in your own classroom now?
  7. How interesting and useful were various aspects of this course to you?
  • learning powerful ideas about light and shadows
  • learning about pinhole cameras
  • learning about thermal phenomena
  • using temperature probes to learn about mixing hot and cold water, melting ice
  • learning about the influence of light and thermal phenomena on local weather
  • learning about the influence of light and thermal phenomena on global climate
  • using light sensors to teach about reflectivity at an elementary school
  • learning about the phases of the moon
  • learning about reasons for seasons
  • learning to interpret motion graphs
  • learning about forces and falling objects
  • learning about the nature of science through various explorations
  • learning about inquiry approaches to science learning and teachng through various explorations
  • writing a paper about what happens when light from the sun shines on the earth
  • speaking with friends and family when exploring topics from class with them
  • making websites about topics exlored in class
  • reading articles written by teachers about their science teaching practices and students' learning
  • learning about using literacy strategies while teaching science
  • reflecting about what learned, what wondering at the end of class

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