Reasons for Seasons

Rotate: moving in place. A day is a time period in which the Earth spins in its axis (24 hour day). Revolve: moving around some other object. In a year, the earth revolves around the sun once. In a month, the moon revolves once around the Earth.

Emily placed a lamp in the middle of the classroom and the students formed a circle around the lamp. Everyone tilted towards the back wall of the room and moved in a circle around the lamp. We asked the students:

  • Where are you when your head is getting more light than your rear? Summer.
  • Where are you when your rear is getting more light than your head? Winter.
  • Where are you when your head and rear are getting about the same amount of light? Spring and Fall.

In the summer, the earth's axis is tilted towards the sun and the sun is visible for the longest amount of time.

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