
Student 1
Learned: How clouds are made.
Wants to Know: Why there is a ring around the moon.

Student 2
Learned: Reflectivity of water and sand
Wants to Know: Will prediction be right.

Student 3
Learned: Oregon coast weather is unpredictable
Wants to Know: Why in California there aren't as many clouds on the beach.

Student 4
Learned: Water as a conductor and sand as insulator.
Wants to Know:

Student 5
Learned: Weather on the beach.
Wants to Know: How long homework is going to take to finish.

Student 6
Learned: Why I should wear certain color clothing in certain weather.
Wants to Know: How I can catch up on math/equations I missed last class.

Student 7
Learned: Why we get so many clouds at the beach.
Wants to Know: If colors reflective properties are determined by the way the angle/bend.

Student 8
Wants to Know: Differences in clouds formed in Florida, different cloud formations.

Student 9
Wants to Know: If using colored water would change effects.

Student 10
Learned: Terminology relating to sand's and water's properties relating to heat: conductivity and insulator.
Wants to Know: If I will have time for homework

Student 11
Learned: Irony of how sun creates clouds.
Wants to Know: Will I be able to see the sun and moon at the same time.

Student 12
Learned: More about color reflectivity.
Wants to Know:

Student 13
Learned: How using everyday objects like foil could be used display to dramatic differences.
Wants to Know: Is snow as reflective as water?

Student 14
Learned: More about
Wants to Know: What exactly is happening Saturday relating to moon and sun.

Student 15
Wants to Know:

\\Peer Instructor
Learned: Learned that fog in morning is similar to how clouds are formed.
Wants to Know: How next week will go with midterms.

Peer Instructor
Learned: More about the logger lite program.
Wants to Know: When the fog will go away so we can take our field trip.

Peer Instructor
Wants to Know:

Wants to Know:

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