
Student 1
Learned: \\I learned that there are two models to think about why we see the sun phenomena Wants to Know: \\when will the moon be visible today?
Student 2
I learned about the earths energy budget Wants to Know: \\is it better to look for the moon when it is high in the sky or when it is rising and setting
Student 3
I learned about how green house gasses work Wants to Know: \\I am wondering how accurate my moon predictions will be
Student 4
I learned about the greenhouse effect and that in an of itself it is not a bad thing Wants to Know:
I am wondering what the greenhouse gasses are
Student 5
I learned about models Wants to Know: \\how long will it take before the greenhouse effect is too hot for us
Student 6
Learned: \\I learned that light as wavelengths Wants to Know:
Where can I get some night vision goggles?
Student 7
you cannot see infrared behind glass Wants to Know: \\what will the moon look like as i look this week
Student 8
You cannot see infrared behind glass but can behind plastic Wants to Know: \\why cant you see infrared behind glass?
Student 9
I learned that infrared can travel through plastic but not through glass Wants to Know:
How will the summer solstice change what we see of the sun and infrared
Student 10
Wants to Know: \\what has infrared been able to see in space
Student 11
I learned that different types of models Wants to Know:
when will I see the moon today
Student 12
I learned that red has large wave length violet has small Wants to Know:
how does greenhouse gas effect climate change
Student 13
Learned: \\I learned that infrared cannot go through glass Wants to Know:
what is the history of the changing of the earths heat
Student 14
I learned that infrared can go through some materials but not all Wants to Know:
how does the moon rotate?
Student 15
Wants to Know:

Student 16
Learned: \\I learned about how light can be thought of as traveling in many different ways as a ray or a photon and also as a wave Wants to Know:
how will my moon predictions help me to see it better

Peer Instructor
I learned more about models for how the sun and earth system work Wants to Know:
wondering about the moon as well
Peer Instructor
Infrared wave lengths are larger than visible light Wants to Know:
how developing moon/earth/sun model will be developed
Wants to Know:
wondering about radio waves that are larger than earth? how did they get there and what happens when they come into contact with our telescopes

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