Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU)
Application Details
We are now accepting applications through
Start My Application!
Application Deadline : 02/22/23 (8:59pm pacific / 11:59pm eastern)
Before you start the online application process you will want to have the following ready to submit:
- A 1-page Personal, Diversity, and Collaboration Statement telling us (1) why you want to
participate in the program, and how it would impact you future plans, (2) a description of your
commitment and/or contributions to increasing diversity in STEM, and (3) what skills and/or approach
you bring to collaborative work with a diverse group of people with varying backgrounds.
- A 1-page Mathematical Statement describing a mathematical result you find
particularly interesting, including something about its proof and/or applications. This
statement should be typed using latex if possible.
- An unofficial academic transcript,
- The names and email addresses of two faculty members who will upload letters of recommendation for you when they receive a prompt from
Also note that National Science Foundation limits this program to U.S. citizens and permanent