Department of Chemistry
Oregon State University


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Class Information

The required course text is Inorganic Chemistry, 5/e (Shriver, Atkins). There may be other assigned or suggested readings, these will be announced as needed.


This quarter will include descriptive inorganic chemistry and an introduction to solid state chemistry.


There are assigned exercises and problems for each chapter. These won't be graded, but it's very important to work through and understand them. Some may appear in modified form on exams. The syllabus page has the list of assigned exercises and problems in the text. A solution guide (solutions for all exercises but not problems) is on reserve at the Valley Library.


There are additional problem sets assigned for CH 512 students; these are optional (and worth extra credit) for those in CH 412.


Course grades will be based on 2 midterms (100 pts each) and a final exam (200 pts). Since the performance expectations for CH 412 and CH 512 differ, grades will be determined on separate curves.


My regular office hours are at 12-1 on Tuesdays and 2:30-3:30 on Thursdays in 236 Gilbert. If these times aren't convenient, call me at 737-6747 to make an appointment; you are welcome to stop by my office any time to see if I'm available.


This web site will be updated during the term, for example when adding notes or exam answers. All updates will be noted on the home page. Check frequently to find out what is new. Remember that your browser may display saved and outdated pages. Clicking the "refresh" or "reload" button will show the most recent version.


Last Update: 12/18/2012