Older Publications by Sylvia Behrens Yamada, Zoology Department, OSU
Behrens Yamada, S. and C. Hunt. 2000. The arrival and spread of the European green crab,
Carcinus maenas , in the
Behrens Yamada, S., C. Hunt and
Behrens Yamada, S. and E.G. Boulding. 1998.
Claw morphology, prey size selection, and foraging efficiency in generalists
and specialist shell-breaking crabs. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and
Ecology 220:191-211.
Behrens Yamada, S., S.A. Navarrete and C.
Needham 1998. Predation induced changes in growth rate and behavior in three populations
of the intertidal snail, Littorina
sitkana. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 220:213-226.
Behrens Yamada, S. and E.G. Boulding. 1996. The role of highly mobile crab predators in
the intertidal zonation of their gastropod prey. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 204:59-83.
B.A., E.L. Berlow, C.A. Blanchette, S.A. Navarrete and S.B. Yamada. 1994. The keystone species concept: Variation in
interaction strength in a rocky intertidal habitat. Ecological Monographs, 64(3):249-286.
Behrens Yamada, S., H. Metcalf and B.C.
Baldwin. 1993. Predation by the crab, Cancer oregonensis Dana, inside oyster
trays. Journal of Shellfish Research
S.E. and S. Behrens Yamada. 1993.
Implications for the gastropod fossil record of mistaken crab predation
on empty mollusc shells. Palaeontology
Behrens Yamada, S. 1992. Niche relationships
in northeastern Pacific Littorines. Proceedings of the 3rd International
Symposium on Littorinid Biology 281-291, J. Grahame, P.J. Mill & D.G. Reid
(Eds). The Malacological Society of
Behrens Yamada, S. and T.J. Mulligan,
1990. Screening of elements for the
chemical marking of hatchery salmon.
Proceedings to the International Symposium and Educational Workshop on
Fish‑Marking Techniques. June
Behrens Yamada, S. 1989.
Are direct developers more locally adapted than planktonic
developers? Marine Biology. 103:403‑411.
Behrens Yamada, S. and J. Dunham, 1989. Mytilus
californianus a new aquaculture species?
Aquaculture. 81:275‑284.
Behrens Yamada, S. and E. Peters, 1988. Harvest management and the growth and
condition of submarket‑size sea mussels, Mytilus californianus.
Aquaculture. 74: 293‑299.
Behrens Yamada, S. 1987. Geographic variation in the growth rate of Littorina saxatilis and L. littorea.
Mar. Biol. 96:529‑534.
Behrens Yamada, S., and R.A Mansour 1987.
Growth inhibition of native Littorina
saxatilis by introduced L.
littorea. J. of Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol.
Behrens Yamada, S., T.J. Mulligan and D.
Fournier 1987. The role of stock and
environment on the elemental composition of salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) vertebrae.
Behrens Yamada, S. and T.J. Mulligan. 1987.
Marking non‑feeding salmonid fry with dissolved strontium.
T.J., L. Lapi. R. Kieser, S.B. Yamada,
and D.L. Duewer. 1983. Salmon stock identification based on
elemental composition of vertebrae.
Behrens Yamada, S. 1982. Growth and longevity of the mud snail, Batillaria attramentaria (Sowerby). Mar.
Biol. 67:187‑192.
Behrens Yamada, S. and T.J. Mulligan,
1982. Strontium marking of hatchery‑reared
coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch,
Walbaum). Part II. Identification of adults. J. of
Fish Biol. 20:5‑9.
Behrens Yamada, S., T.J. Mulligan and S.J.
Fairchild. 1979. Strontium marking of
hatchery‑reared coho salmon (Oncorhynchus
kisutch, Walbaum). J. Fish Biol. 14, 267‑275.
Behrens Yamada, S. 1977. Geographic range limitation of the intertidal
gastropods Littorina sitkana and L. planaxis.
Mar. Biol. 39: 61‑65.
Behrens Yamada, S. 1977.
Range extension in Littorina
sitkana (Philippi, 1845) and range contraction in L. planaxis (
Behrens Yamada, S., and C.S.
Sankurathri. 1977. Direct development in the intertidal
gastropod, Batillaria zonalis
(Bruguiere, 1792). The Veliger, 20:179.
N.P., and S. Behrens Yamada. 1977.
Effects of a parasite, Eubothrium
salvelini (Cestoda:
Pseudophyllidea), on the resistance of juvenile sockeye salmon, Oncorhynchus nerka, to zinc. J. Fish. Res. Board
J., F.S. Chia and S. Behrens,
1973. Oviposition and development of two
intertidal snails, Littorina sitkana
and L. scutulata.
Behrens, S. 1972. The role of wave impact and desiccation on
the distribution of Littorina sitkana
J.R.E. 1972. Competitive coexistence
among intertidal invertebrates. American
Scientist 60: 600‑607. (Review
paper based on studies done by Harger, Low and Behrens).
and published ABSTRACTS:
Behrens Yamada, S. and
A. Randall 2005. Status of the European Green Crab in
Behrens Yamada,S. and
C. Dudoit 2004. Status of the European Green Crab in
Estuaries Fall 2003. A report
prepared for the Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission and the Alaska
Department of Fish and Game.
Behrens Yamada, S. and
M. Becklund 2003. Status of the European Green Crab in
Estuaries Fall 2003. A report
prepared for the Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission and the Alaska
Department of Fish and Game.
Behrens Yamada,S. and
T. Davidson 2002. Status of the European Green Crab in
Estuaries during the Summer of 2002.
A report prepared for the Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission and
the Alaska Department of Fish and Game.
J. T.
Carlton, J. Chapman, S.B. Yamada, and S. Rumrill 2001. Introduced Species in Oregon Estuaries.
Web page created for Oregon Sea Grant by Sylvia Behrens Yamada.
( http://science.orst.edu/~yamadas/ ).
Hauck, L and S. Behrens Yamada 2000. Current Status
of the European Green Crab, Carcinus
and native crab species in Yaquina and
Behrens Yamada, S., C. Hun*t,
and A. Kalin 2000. Growth of the 1997/1998 year class of the
Green crab, Carcinus maenas, in
Behrens Yamada S., G Allison and students
in Zoology 401 1998. Research Experience for
The European Green Crab, Carcinus maenas,
Behrens Yamada, S, G. Allison, K. Cleveland,
C. Hunt, N. Richman and J. Schaefer 1998. The European Green Crab in
Behrens Yamada, S, 1995. The growth and
longevity of the crab, Cancer oregonensis
Journal of Shellfish Research 14:230-231.
C. and E. White. 1995. Evaluation of physical environment and colonization of
Quarry Cove. A report prepared for the Bureau of Land Management by
undergraduate students under the supervision of Sylvia Behrens Yamada.
D.M. and S.B. Yamada 1994. A
monitoring program and species introduction plan for Quarry Cove. Report
prepared for the Bureau of Land Management by Sustainable Ecosystem Institute.
Lee, R.R.;
S.B. Yamada; P. Komar; W.G. Mc
Dougal; Moffatt, Nichol & Bonney; A.N.Rice and R. Pike. 1993. Yaquina Head
Outstanding Natural Area Lower Rock Quarry Reclamation/Tidal Zone Development
Phase IIB. Report 2 prepared for the Bureau of Land Management.
Lee, R.R.,
S.B. Yamada, P. Komar, and R. Pike.
1992. Yaquina Head Outstanding Natural Area Lower Rock Quarry Reclamation/Tidal
Zone Development Phase IIB. Report 1 prepared for the Bureau of Land
Behrens Yamada, S., B.A. Menge, B.C. Baldwin
and H. Metcalf. 1992. Does starfish removal increase mussel productivity?
(Abstract in Journal of Shellfish
Research 11:551).
Behrens Yamada, S., and Boulding E.G. 1991.
Crabby predators: Scourge of the intertidal.
of Shellfish Research 10: 241.
C.B., H.W. Li, R.C. Hjort, C.S. Sharpe, K.P. Currens, P.L. Hulett, S.L. Stone
and S.B. Yamada. 1986.
Stock Identification of
J.W. and S. B. Yamada. 1985. A survey of wild chinook and water
temperatures in the
Behrens, S.
1974. Ecological interactions of
three Littorina (Gastropoda,
Prosobranchia) along the west coast of
Behrens, S.
1971. The distribution and
abundance of the intertidal prosobranchs Littorina
sitkana and L. scutulata. M.Sc. thesis, Zoology Department,
Behrens, S.
1968. Protein differences between
two forms of Calanus copepods as
elucidated by micro‑starch‑gel electrophoresis. B.Sc.thesis, Zoology Department,