Tevian Dray

1/19 – 12/23
NSF/DUE–1836604 (co-PI), Paradigms in Physics: Representations in Quantum Mechanics, $299,282
1/19 – 12/23
NSF/DUE–1836603 (co-PI), Paradigms in Physics: Second-Generation Dissemination Strategies, $298,948
8/17 – 7/18
FQXi (PI), Magic squares of Lie groups, $8050.
9/13 – 8/19
NSF/DUE–1323800 (co-PI), Paradigms in Physics: Representations of Partial Derivatives, $599,487.
NSF/DUE–1555804 (co-PI), Supplement, $49,806.
4/14 – 6/14
AAPT/PERTG (PI), Workshop on the Status of the Upper-Division Physics Curriculum: Travel support for junior researchers, $2500.
8/12 – 7/15
John Templeton Foundation – 34808 (PI), An octonionic description of fundamental particles, $117,511.
7/12 – 6/13
FQXi (PI), A new look at the Freudenthal magic square, $4600.
9/10 – 8/14
NSF/DUE–1023120 (PI), Paradigms in Physics: Interactive Electromagnetic Curricular Materials, $399,922.
NSF/DUE–1256606 (PI), Workshop supplement, $40,684.
9/08 – 8/11
FQXi (PI), Using Octonionic Cayley Spinors to Describe Fundamental Particles, $51,393.
9/07 – 6/08
L. L. Stewart Faculty Development Award (OSU), Teaching Calculus Coherently, $4400.
8/07 – 12/07
Hewlett Foundation mini-grant (OSU), Teaching Calculus Coherently, $2000.
9/06 – 8/11
NSF/DUE–0618877 (co-PI), Paradigms in Physics: Multiple Entry Points, $498,124.
8/04 – 7/09
OMLI Geometry Team (funded by NSF/EHR–0412553), $28,000.
2/04 – 9/08
ODE/Oregon ESEA Title II-B MSP 4076, (co-PI), Central Oregon Consortium, $1,073,814.
4/03 – 3/07
NSF/DUE–0231032 (PI), Bridging the Vector Calculus Gap: Episode II, $217,039.
1/01 – 7/03
NSF/DUE–0088901 (PI), Bridging the Vector Calculus Gap, $112,513.
6/00 – 6/01
OCEPT Faculty Fellow (funded by NSF/DUE–9996543), $5700.
1/00 – 6/01
L. L. Stewart Faculty Development Award (OSU), Vector Calculus, $2200.
6/97 – 11/02
NSF/DUE–9653250 (senior personnel), Paradigms in Physics, $497,063.
9/96 – 6/97
L. L. Stewart Faculty Development Award (OSU), Vector Calculus, $2200.
9/92 – 8/95
NSF/PHY–9208494 (co-PI), The Wave Equation Isn't As Simple As You Thought, $75,400.
8/94 – 6/95
OSU Research Council Award, Algebraic Computing, $8000.
12/88 – 5/91
NSF/PHY–8813126 (PI), Algebraic Computing in General Relativity, $48,944.
11/89 – 5/90
OSU Research Council Award, Algebraic Computing, $3980.