As the term moves from the shared enthusiasm of Week 1 to the anxiety and fatigue leading into final exams, what happens in the classroom will shift, sometimes in unexpected ways. For the seminar on 11/19, we will consider factors that contributed to this shift and identify ways to promote the best learning environment possible for the rest of the term. To prepare for this conversation, please brainstorm about and write down responses to the questions below. These will be used as the basis for our discussion. How has the class climate, rapport among yourself and the students, and other factors shifted/grown/taken shape up to this point? What patterns have you noticed in students' study skills or levels of preparedness for class? What patterns have you noticed? What strategies have you tried thus far to maintain the motivation and concentration levels in the students? Which have been most successful? Which have been less successful? For those that haven't worked, what factors contributed to their inefficacy? How has your process of preparing for class changed so far? What is your routine? What data do you have that indicate the process is effective? What data do you have that point to possible areas for change? What questions or ideas do you have regarding helping students gear up for final exams?