MTH 420 (Winter 1999)

Solutions to the final have been posted outside my office.

The take-home final was handed out in class today, due in my office at 1:45 PM on Monday 3/15.
I will be in my office from 2 - 4 PM on Saturday, from 10 AM to 12 PM on Sunday, and from 8 AM - 1:45 PM on Monday. Please don't hesitate to ask me for help if you're stuck! No late exams please!

A sample take-home final question has been posted.

The solutions to HW #4 have been posted.

I will accept HW 4 until Wednesday, 3/3.
The take-home final will most likely be given out in class on Friday, 3/12, due Monday afternoon, 3/15.

I will be out of town at a conference on Wednesday and Friday of this week. The class will meet as usual, taught by my graduate student, Al Agnew. Please contact him with any questions, including the HW due Monday; his office is Kidder 330 and his email address is I encourage you to send copies of any email messages to me, as there is a good chance I will be able to read my email while I am gone.

HW 4 (differential equations & integration on the sphere) was assigned today, and is due on 3/1/99. Note the minor changes announced in class: volume to surface area and S1 to S2 in the second problem.
The second problem may be too challenging. If you are having difficulty, please contact me ASAP.

My Mathematica package wedge.m is available for use on both the math and physics department computers. Please note that this software has not been extensively tested! You can download the instructions, as well as the source code, but note that these files are password protected; see me if you are interested.

Sample exam questions have been posted; these were taken almost verbatim from a previous exam.
Also, a minor typo in the posted list of orthogonal coordinate systems has been corrected.

The solutions to HW #3 have been posted.
The in-class midterm will indeed be this Friday 2/12. (Closed book; no notes.)

The solutions to HW #2 have been posted.

I will not be in my office before and after class next week (2/8, 2/10, 2/12), although I expect to be in my office every day that week from roughly 8 AM to 2 PM (except for lunch).

Some of the orthogonal coordinate systems originally passed around on 1/13 have been posted.

As pointed out today in class, there is another minor error in my notes on the Hodge dual, which has been corrected. This only affects page 3, on which there is a new footnote just before Equation (14), which says:

If p=n-1, only one of ± can be brought to this form by an even permutation.
But * can trivially be computed from *(-) if necessary.
and page 4, where the footnote now says:
It is only for 1-vectors in 2 dimensions that the minus sign in can not be eliminated by an
appropriate ordering of the basis. An alternative in this case is to write =(-dy)^dx and *(-dy)=dx.
(If the math looks funny in your browser, download the PDF file.)

The in-class midterm will probably be Friday 2/12.

HW 2 and HW 3 were handed out today; see below.

Both HW 2 (Hodge dual) and HW 3 (orthogonal coordinates) were posted today, and are due on 2/3/99 and 2/8/99, respectively. Because of these deadlines, I strongly encourage you to do as much as you can on HW 2 next week, rather than waiting until the last minute. For this reason, I have posted these assignments now even though we have not yet covered the material.
Also, my notes on the Hodge dual (star operator) have been very slightly revised.
(I had interchanged the 2 texts in the discussion of conventions in Footnotes 1 and 3.)

The solutions to HW #1 have been posted.
Also, my notes on the construction of the Hodge dual have been posted.
My conventions differ slightly from both texts.

HW #1 due date extended to 1/20. Please see me (or send email) if you are having difficulty.

The examples of orthogonal coordinate systems which I passed around in class today were taken from the following Schaum Outline: Mathematical Handbook of Formulas and Tables, Murray R. Speigel, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1968.

HW 1 (decomposable forms) was assigned today, and is due on 1/15/99.

The website has been updated, and now includes this announcements page, a list of supplemental books, a page for homework assignments, and a syllabus page, on which I will list the topics covered (usually after the fact).

HW 0 (send me email) was assigned today; please try to get to this by the end of the week.