MTH 255H: Vector Calculus II
Winter 2004
Tevian Dray
Office hours:
M 10-11:30 AM and R 10-11 AM in Kidder 298A
(and by appt)
Phone: 737-5159
Class Meetings:
Section 001: MWRF 9 AM in Kidd 280
Required Text:
Tevian Dray, Calculus Study Guide -- MTH 255
Make sure to get the revised edition (September 2003).
Optional Text:
McCallum, Hughes-Hallett, Gleason, et al.,
Multivariable Calculus, 3rd edition,
ISBN 0-471-40952-9
This is a different text from the one being used for MTH 255.
Much of the homework will come from this book;
a copy will be
on reserve
in the library.
Web Site:
Check the announcements page frequently.
Course Structure:
The course will consist of a combination of lectures, group activities,
homework and exams. Expect group activities at least once a week; ditto for
assigned homework. We will cover all of the material in the Study Guide,
corresponding roughly to Chapters 17-20 in the optional text (supplemented
with additional material).