MTH 254

Suggested Reading
It is to your advantage to skim suggested readings as soon as possible, and to read them again more carefully after the material is covered in class. However, do not expect to master this material the first time around. Don't worry; we'll cover it in class, after which the readings should make more sense. But be warned: we will not always cover the material the same way it is presented in the texts.
Written Work
It is your job to explain your work to me clearly and completely. Even though homework is not a major part of the grade, it is a good idea to practice presenting mathematical work — a skill which will likely affect your score on exams.
Here are some guidelines:
You may discuss homework problems with anyone you like, and you may use any reference materials you like. However, you must write up the solutions in your own words, and you must indicate what help you used.
Late homework will be corrected as a courtesy to you, but is not guaranteed to receive credit.