MTH 254 - Winter 2005

Below are the answers to the final. An answer key is posted outside my office; grades will be submitted Monday (and will therefore probably not available online until Tuesday). You can collect your exam from me next term if you wish.
1. (need figure)
2. (a) 4 (b) 0 (c) 0 (d) 2k
3. (need figure)
4. aT=0, aN=12
5. 0
6. max is 16, min is -2
7. (all answers approximate) (a) 50 m (b) NW (c) 1/2 (d) (0,11/10) (e) (0,3/5)
8. (a) (2i + j + 2k)/3 (b) 3 deg/ft (c) 0 deg/ft
9. (a) (3i+4j)/5 (b) 10/3 (c) straight
My last office hour will be Monday afternoon, 3/7. For assistance between then and the final, please contact Corina.
Corina will hold extra office hours Monday and Tuesday of finals week at 1 PM.
The final will be on Wednesday, 3/16/05, at noon in Kidder 364.
Here are the answers to today's quiz:
1. (a) 10xy3 (b) 2r cosφ (c) x cos(xy) (d) y2 i + 2xy j + 3z2 k
2. -2
3. (a) 0 (b) 21/2
The second quiz will be in recitation on Tuesday, 2/22. It covers the material through Friday's class (2/18), namely partial derivatives, including the gradient, directional derivatives, and the chain rule. This material corresponds roughly to §14 in MHG and §14.3-§14.6 in (the thick version of) Stewart.
Below are the answers to the midterm. An answer key will be posted outside my office by Monday, and the exams will be returned on Tuesday.
1. (a) True (b) True (c) True (d) False
2. (a) True (b) True (c) False
3. (a) positive (b) need more info (c) negative
4. (a) Use rectangular dV; limits are [0,2], [0,3], [0,5] (b) Use spherical dV; limits are [0,π/4], [0,π], [0,5]
(Many other answers are possible.)
5. 9
6. 23/2-1
7. 112 π/3
EC: 162 π grams
The midterm will be Friday 2/4/05 in class.
A copy of the pages from MHG needed to do the weekly homework should be available on the bulletin board outside my office as soon as the assignment is posted online, which is usually a week before the due date.
Here are the answers to today's quiz:
1. (a) vector (b) undefined
2. True
3. One of many possible answers: 4i-3j and k
4. 3
5. (need drawing)
The grading policy clearly states that a 3″×5″ index card of notes is permitted on all exams. Yes, this includes quizes.
You can find out more about the reasons for the choices discussed in class today for the names of the spherical coordinates in our paper:
Spherical Coordinates, Tevian Dray and Corinne A. Manogue, College Math. J. 34, 168-169 (2003)
a copy of which is posted on my bulletin board. The short answer is that most students will need to switch conventions at some point during their education, so this might as well be done sooner rather than later.
The first quiz will be in recitation on Tuesday, 1/18. It covers the material through Wednesday's class (1/12/05), namely vectors, and especially the dot and cross products. This material corresponds roughly to §13 in MHG and §12 in (the thick version of) Stewart.
The homework assignment has changed slightly (new problems from §13.4). Make sure you get the updated assignment.
As of 7 PM this evening, the library does have the text on reserve.
JAVA applets which illustrate the geometry of the dot and cross products can be found at the sites below:
Dot product;
Cross product.
Further information about vectors, including the dot and cross products, can be found here.
As announced at the beginning of class today, there may be a section of MathExcel for MTH 254. This is a 2-credit, attendance-based problem session, with a proven track record of improving students' math grades, not just in this course, but in subsequent coursework. Further information about the history of MathExcel can be found here.
MathExcel for MTH 254 is scheduled as MTH 299, Section 254, meeting Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:30-5:20 PM in Kidder 108H.
If you are interested, please attend the first session; this class may not run if too few students enroll.
The grading scheme was significantly revised today.
I will not follow any of the textbooks exactly, although my approach to calculus is closer to that in MHG (McCallum, Hughes Hallett, Gleason et al) than to Stewart.
In any case, the MTH 254 Study Guide provides a useful summary of some of the material, as well as suggested homework problems, and is inexpensive. It is not required, but is definitely helpful.