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reports:start [2011/04/23 10:59] janetreports:start [2020/03/06 09:04] (current) – external edit
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 |2008-8-21|Paul Newhouse|{{:reports:report_pn_wse2pbse_21aug08rev1.doc|Thin-film transport measurements of misfit layer compounds}}|resistivity, Seebeck, Hall| |2008-8-21|Paul Newhouse|{{:reports:report_pn_wse2pbse_21aug08rev1.doc|Thin-film transport measurements of misfit layer compounds}}|resistivity, Seebeck, Hall|
 +==== Thin-film Spectrometery  ====
 +|2006-xx-xx|Kilcher/McIntyre|{{:reports:index_calc_2006a_copy.xls|IndexCalc spreadsheet}}|Latest version of Levi's spreadsheet for thickness, refractive index and absorption calculation from Grating Spectrometer data |
 +|2004-03-xx|Levi Kilcher|{{:reports:kilicher_ph403_fnl_pres.ppt.pdf|Grating spectrometer & index calculation}}|Senior thesis presentation on grating spectrometer|
 +|2002-03-14|David McIntyre|{{:reports:thin_film_optics.ppt|Thin film optics}}|Fitting fringes to thin film R& T measurement|
 ==== Miscellaneous  ==== ==== Miscellaneous  ====
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 +=== Thermoelectric Reports ===
 +|2014-02-02|Rodney Snyder, Dan Speer| {{:reports:silicon_report.pdf|Silicon}} | Focus on the thermoelectric properties of doped silicon|

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