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mustread:start [2013/05/03 10:10] janetmustread:start [2020/04/21 13:24] (current) – [Must-Read-Papers] janet
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 |^Date^Author^Title^Notes| |^Date^Author^Title^Notes|
 +|2010-ish|McIntyre R,T,T/(1-R)|{{:mustread:mcintyre_thin_film_interference_t_1-r_.ppt|}}|Comprehensive discussion of thin-film interference|
 +|1997,2000|Omega Technical Reference|{{:mustread:omega_techref_temperature_measurement_-_z019-020.pdf|Practical Temperature Measurements}}|Comprehensive discussion of thermocouples, resistive temperature devices, principles of measurement, etc|
 |Progress in Inorganic Chemistry 41, 21 (1994)|Tan, ... N. Lewis|{{:mustread:prog_inor._chem_1994_lewis_tan_review.pdf|Principles and applications of semiconductor photoelectrochemistry}}|Review | |Progress in Inorganic Chemistry 41, 21 (1994)|Tan, ... N. Lewis|{{:mustread:prog_inor._chem_1994_lewis_tan_review.pdf|Principles and applications of semiconductor photoelectrochemistry}}|Review |
 |JJAP 30, 1008 (1991)|Hishikawa //et al.//|{{:mustread:t:1-r_jjap-30-1008.pdf|Optical Absorption Coefficients of amorphous Si}}|T/(1-R) derivation | |JJAP 30, 1008 (1991)|Hishikawa //et al.//|{{:mustread:t:1-r_jjap-30-1008.pdf|Optical Absorption Coefficients of amorphous Si}}|T/(1-R) derivation |
 |J. Phys. E: Sci. Instrum. 16, 1214 (1983)|Swanepoel |[[http://iopscience.iop.org/0022-3735/16/12/023|Optical Absorption Coefficients of amorphous Si]]|Model thin-film interference | |J. Phys. E: Sci. Instrum. 16, 1214 (1983)|Swanepoel |[[http://iopscience.iop.org/0022-3735/16/12/023|Optical Absorption Coefficients of amorphous Si]]|Model thin-film interference |
-|Materials Research Bulletin 25(8), (2000)|Many (see science server Literature/MRS Bull Aug 2000|Transparent Conducting Oxides overviews|+|MRS Bulletin 25(8), (2000)|Many |[[http://mrs.org/bulletin|MRS Bulletin]] (but need subscription for some pubs). Also see science server Literature/MRS Bull Aug 2000|Transparent Conducting Oxides special edition| 
 +|MRS Bulletin, (2006)|Tritt/Subramanian |{{:mustread:tritt:subramnian_mrsbull_2006_march06.intro_-_f08_mrs.pdf|Thermoelectrics:A birds-eye view}}|TE special edition| 
 +|IRE, (1954)|L.B. Valdes |{{:mustread:Valdes_Resistivity.pdf|Resistivity Measurements on Germanium for Transistors}}|4 Probe resistivity basics| 
 +|2020|Jeffrey Lindemuth |[[http://blog.lakeshore.com/new-resource-available-for-download-hall-effect-measurement-handbook|Hall Measurement Handbook]] (or ask Janet for a copy)|Hall measurement basics; really helpful|
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 |JAP 48, 4729 (1977)|H.B. Michaelson|[[http://jap.aip.org/resource/1/japiau/v48/i11/p4729_s1|The work function of the elements and its periodicity]]|A compilation of work functions. Table, graphs, trends.| |JAP 48, 4729 (1977)|H.B. Michaelson|[[http://jap.aip.org/resource/1/japiau/v48/i11/p4729_s1|The work function of the elements and its periodicity]]|A compilation of work functions. Table, graphs, trends.|
 |-|-|[[http://abulafia.mt.ic.ac.uk/shannon/ptable.php|Ionic radii]]|Shannon ionic radii, conveniently tabulated by ion, coordination number, charge etc., data from //Revised Effective Ionic Radii and Systematic Studies of Interatomic Distances in Halides and Chalcogenides//" R. D. Shannon, Acta Crystallographica A32, 751 (1976)| |-|-|[[http://abulafia.mt.ic.ac.uk/shannon/ptable.php|Ionic radii]]|Shannon ionic radii, conveniently tabulated by ion, coordination number, charge etc., data from //Revised Effective Ionic Radii and Systematic Studies of Interatomic Distances in Halides and Chalcogenides//" R. D. Shannon, Acta Crystallographica A32, 751 (1976)|
-|Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data 2, 163 (1973)|W. H. Strehlow and E. L. Cook|[[http://www.nist.gov/data/PDFfiles/jpcrd22.pdf|Compilation of Energy Band Gaps in Elemental and Binary Compound Semiconductors and Insulators]]|Compilation of 723 band gaps of semicond. & insulators.  Direct/indirect, color, temp dependence. Available at NIST reprint site.|+|Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data 2, 163 (1973)|W. H. Strehlow and E. L. Cook|{{:mustread:strehlow_jphyschemrefdata2_1973_163_bandgap_semi_ins_compilation.pdf|Compilation of Energy Band Gaps in Elemental and Binary Compound Semiconductors and Insulators}}|Compilation of 723 band gaps of semicond. & insulators.  Direct/indirect, color, temp dependence. Available at NIST reprint site.|
 |-|-|[[opticalspectrometers:start|Refs to optical data compilations]]|Optical data (refractive index etc., listed on optical spectrometer page.| |-|-|[[opticalspectrometers:start|Refs to optical data compilations]]|Optical data (refractive index etc., listed on optical spectrometer page.|
-|Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data 281713 (1999)|PJMohr and BN. Taylor|[[http://www.nist.gov/data/PDFfiles/jpcrd240.pdf|CODATA Recommended Values of the Fundamental Physical Constants1998]]|Current fundamental constants Available at NIST reprint site.  See also [[http://physics.nist.gov/cuu/Constants/index.html|NIST's fundamental constants site]].|+|Chem. Mater.2013, 25 (15), pp 2911–2920|M.WGaultois et al.|[[http://pubs.acs.org/doi/ipdf/10.1021/cm400893e|Data-Driven Review of Thermoelectric MaterialsPerformance and Resource Considerations]]| See also [[http://www.mrl.ucsb.edu:8080/datamine/thermoelectric.jsp|UCSB database direct link]].| 
 +|Fundamental Constants 2014|B.N. Taylor and P. J. Mohr, NIST|[[http://physics.nist.gov/cuu/Constants/|CODATA Fundamnetal Constants]]|CODATA Internationally recommended values of the fundamental physical constants|

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