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admin:start [2020/04/03 12:07] janetadmin:start [2020/04/03 12:09] (current) – [Computer account and file sharing] janet
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 New in 2019 is that we now have a "Box" folder for the lab.  Box is OSU's implementation of Dropbox, and OSU pushes us to use it. You need only OSU credentials to login but I have to set permissions for you to use a particular folder. Downside is that there are space constraints, so we will continue to use the T-drive. New in 2019 is that we now have a "Box" folder for the lab.  Box is OSU's implementation of Dropbox, and OSU pushes us to use it. You need only OSU credentials to login but I have to set permissions for you to use a particular folder. Downside is that there are space constraints, so we will continue to use the T-drive.
-With covid-19, we are now accessing computers remotely, so go to the "Computerspage for this information and also for the instructions for computer maintenance.+With covid-19, we are now accessing computers remotely, so go to the [[computers:start|Computers]] page for this information and also for the instructions for computer maintenance.
 ===== Sign-out sheets we use on the lab doors ===== ===== Sign-out sheets we use on the lab doors =====

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