General information
General information
Instructor: Malgorzata Peszynska
Class: MWF 13:00-13:50 STAG 107
Course information: CRN 32406 ( MTH 622 ) CRN 36819 ( MTH 657 ). Credits: 3.00.
Student preparation: the students should have a solid background in differential equations, senior level/ advanced calculus and linear algebra. Most students will have taken 621 or a similar course but it is possible for a student to enter 622 without 621 (please contact me in such a case or with any other questions).
Syllabus: This class is the second one in a year-long sequence MTH 621 - MTH 622 - MTH 623. In principle, each of these classes can be taken separately but it is best if they are taken in order. May be repeated for credit (use MTH 657, CRN 36819).
In the course we will cover the following topics:
  • Properties of solutions to elliptic and parabolic problems, Green's functions, maximum principle(s).
  • Weak and generalized solutions to elliptic and parabolic problems. Distributions.
  • Hilbert spaces, variational formulation and variational calculus. Galerkin method.
  • Green's function for Laplace operator in 2D and 3D.
  • Integral equations (if time allows. Otherwise, to be continued in 623)

Textbook: I will use material from the following textbook as well as some downloadable notes TBA.

Exams and Grading: HW counts as 40% and Exams as 30% each.
Midterm: 2/20
Final Exam: scheduled for Monday March 19 at noon)
Course Outcomes: A successful student will be able to
  • Provide qualitiative analysis for classical and weak solutions of boundary and intial boundary value problems when such analysis is possible
  • Derive the weak and classical form of differential equations from first principles such as the minimization of energy

Special arrangements for students with disabilities, make-up exams etc.: please contact the instructor and Services for Students with Disabilities, if relevant, and provide appropriate documentation.
Course drop/add information is at