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Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, 1002 Area,
Petroleum Assessment, 1998

Alaska map

Table 1.

Estimates of volumes of technically recoverable oil in various parts of the ANWR assessment study area. [ANWR, Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. All reported oil volumes in millions of barrels. Basic statistical principles determine that mean values can be added and subtracted but F95 and F05 values cannot (e.g., means for the undeformed and deformed parts of the ANWR 1002 area sum to the mean for the total ANWR 1002 area, but F95 and F05 values do not). F95, 95-percent probability level; F05, 5-percent probability level]

|| Arctic National Wildlife Refuge || Methodology || Results || Figures and Table ||

Maintained by Eric A. Morrissey updated 5.18.98