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This page is part of the United States Environmental Protection Agency's Municipal Solid Waste Factbook--Internet Version site. To return to the site homepage, click on the Top of Site link to the left. For help navigating this site, click here .

  About EPA | Other Info | State Data | State Profiles | Waste Generation | Waste Disposal | Waste Components
International Practices | Source Reduction | Recycling | Combustion | Land Disposal
  About EPA | Other Info | State Data | State Profiles | Waste Generation | Waste Disposal | Waste Components
International Practices | Source Reduction | Recycling | Combustion | Land Disposal
  About EPA | Other Info | State Data | State Profiles | Waste Generation | Waste Disposal | Waste Components
International Practices | Source Reduction | Recycling | Combustion | Land Disposal
  About EPA | Other Info | State Data | State Profiles | Waste Generation | Waste Disposal | Waste Components
International Practices | Source Reduction | Recycling | Combustion | Land Disposal
  About EPA | Other Info | State Data | State Profiles | Waste Generation | Waste Disposal | Waste Components
International Practices | Source Reduction | Recycling | Combustion | Land Disposal
  About EPA | Other Info | State Data | State Profiles | Waste Generation | Waste Disposal | Waste Components
International Practices | Source Reduction | Recycling | Combustion | Land Disposal

Last Revised: November 14, 1997




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