As soon as you have analyzed the integrations from the 500 MHz FTNMR and calculated a value for Keq in your assigned solvent, complete the following web form and submit your value for Keq. We will then place all student results on a course web page so that you can get all the student data for 2014 to consider in the correlation analysis.
Compare Keq values in different solvents for the keto-enol tautomerization for 2,4-pentandione (Hacac) from the class data. You should base your comparison on the entire class results for 2019 and consider these results in light of the solvent properties (given on the web page, in class and in the lab manual) You are certainly free to include other solvent properties in your analysis if you find that they are more helpful in rationalizing the behavior of Hacac. A complete explanation of the correlation will be given in lecture.
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