Experimental Chemistry I ~ Syllabus & Schedule
CH 362 & CH 362H: Winter Term, 2021

Week Lecture Topic (Instructor) Lab Work Reading Assignment
(updated for 4th Ed)

1 (Jan 4-8)

Introduction to course,
Overview of Experiment 1, 
Synthesis of acids.

Begin Project 1 - Strain Energy

(T/W) Prepare/clean glassware for synthesis.  H - put clean glassware in oven to dry; P- check out glassware from issue room

(R/F) Synthesize carboxylic acid

Lab manual, Project1.

Review Mohrig Ch. 1 (Safety) and Ch. 3 (keeping a notebook; Ch 4.4 (cleaning glassware); Ch.7 (synthetic techniques).

2 (Jan 11-15)

Vacuum distillation
Synthesis of esters

(T/W) Workup acid 
(R/F) Rotovap excess ether, and vacuum distill acid

Lab manual, Project1.

Review nitrile hydrolysis, ester synthesis in your organic chem text (Vollhardt & Schore, Ch. 20)

Mohrig Ch 10 (extractions) and Ch 12 (distillations-particularly Section 12.7)

3 (Jan 19-22)

Esterification and workup; begin Characterization of Products by GC and IR. (Asynchronous presentation; University holiday)

(T/W) Synthesize and workup esters
(R/F)  Rotovap ether; vacuum distill ester; GC fractions time permitting.

Lab manual, Project 1. GC: Mohrig Ch. 20 and CH 361 review. IR: Mohrig, CH. 21

4 (Jan 25-29)

Characterization of products by FTIR & refractometry.


Finish GCing; start FTIR and refractometry characterizations for acids and esters

Review IR in your organic chem text (Vollhardt & Schore, Section 11.8) and Mohrig, Chapter 21. Refractometry: Mohrig, Ch. 13.

5 (Feb 1-5)

Communication Paper and Peer Review Reports.
Bond Energies, Oxygen Bomb Calorimetry

Finish all characterizations and view  Calorimetry web program
Start calorimetry

Lab manual, Project1

GNS, Chapter VI, esp. pp. 158-161

GNS, Chapter II, esp. pp. 55-61.   Alternately: CH 361 material on Statistics (and linked pages).

6 (Feb 8-12)

(T/W) Computational Chemistry
(R/F) Error Analysis


Calorimetry (groups) and Computational Chemistry using WebMO

Communication Paper on Synthesis &  Characterization due at 11:59 p.m. on Monday, Feb 8 (all sections) Please submit your original electronically via Canvas for peer evaluation.


Review GNS, Chapters III and XXII;   Mohrig, Ch 8 (computational chemistry).

7 (Feb 15-19)

Calorimetry Report 2 guidelines

Introduction to NMR

Continue Calorimetry & WebMO  and start Project 2: NMR.

(Monday) Peer Reviews are due back via Canvas   for the two Communication Articles that you have been given to review.

Lab manual, Project 2.


8 (Feb 22-26)

NMR: Theory; 1-D Characterization of organics;  Hacac tautomerization/Solvent Correlations.



(T/W) Finish Calorimetry and start Project 2: NMR. Solvent study of keto-enol tautomers by NMR

(R/F) Cont Project 2:  Solvent study; NMR Unknown link will be handed out in lecture.

Lab manual, Project 2.

Review NMR in your organic chem text (Vollhardt & Schore, Chapter 10).

Mohrig, Ch 22 & Ch 23 (1D and 2D NMR)

9 (Mar 1-5)

Structure identification by NMR: 1- and 2-D;  Oral Reports and Final Written Reports

(Monday, 11:59 p.m.) Calorimetry Report 2 due- can be one report/group.

(T/W/R/F) Finish Experiment 2 data collection; work on data analysis

GNS, pp. 359-363 and 369-377.

Mohrig Ch. 24 (MS).

10 (Mar 8-12)

Class Presentations and Course Evaluations this week.

(R/F):  Class presentations on Zoom

11 (Mar 17)

Finals Week

NMR Report 3 due Wednesday  (March 17, no later than 5 pm) on Canvas.


Reading assignments:

You should read the background material before coming to lecture.  "GNS" denotes Garland, Nibler, Shoemaker, "Experiments in Physical Chemistry," 9th edition.  "Mohrig" refers to Mohrig, Alberg, Hofmeister, Schatz & Hammond, "Techniques in Organic Chemistry" (chapters given for 4th Ed (blue). "Lab manual" denotes background material in the Experimental Chemistry I lab manual (lab procedures should always be read before each lab period). 

last updated: 12/07/2018 (kpg)