Experimental Chemistry I, 361 & 361H
Course Schedule--Fall 2022
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  Reading Assignment   Activity
Week 0:

Sept. 21-22

Mohrig 1: Ch. 1 and Ch.3, Sections 3.1, 3.3. Lab Manual 2:   Background information



No lecture period, but view Introductory modules/videos

Orientation to safety in the lab; waste disposal; keeping a lab notebook

Week 1:

Sept. 26-29

Mohrig 1: Ch. 4, esp. Secs. 4.1, 4.4; Sec. 5.1 Lab Manual 2:   Experiment 1, introduction and procedure IIA.



Course Introduction and carboxylic acid chemistry;

Separations/filtration, decolorization and acidification of free acid

Week 2:

Oct. 3-7

Mohrig: Ch. 5, sections 5.1-5.4; Ch. 15, sections 15.1-15.5 and 15.8; Ch. 14.
Lab manual: Exp 1 procedures IIB, C, and D.

Melting points, recrystallization & yield

PreLab 1 due Sunday midnight.
Recrystallization, melting points and titrations
Week 3:

Oct. 10-14

Mohrig: Ch. 3, section 3.2 only.



Titrations, pKa and interpretation of data. PreLab 2 due Sunday midnight.

Finish bulk recrystallization, titrations

Week 4:

Oct. 17-21

Mohrig: Ch. 10, sections 10.1, 10.3-10.5, 10.7.

Lab manual: Reports p. 1-4, Exp. 1: IIE and III


Derivatives, writing reports,  PreLab 3 due Sunday midnight.

Finish titrations, make derivatives, mp derivatives.
Week 5:

Oct. 24-28

Lab manual : Exp. 2: sections I, II and III

Your OChem text: the Grignard reaction section (Vollhardt & Schore, Chapter 8, Sections 8.7-8.8); nucleophilic addition to C=O (Section 17.5); description of Wittig reagents (Sections 17.12)



The synthesis of dimethylbutenes: Grignard reaction, extraction/workup.

Finish Exp. I, put glassware in oven (T/W); Begin Exp. II (do Grignard) on (R/F) (all hoods in use).
PreLab 4 due Sunday midnight.
Week 6:

Oct. 31-Nov. 4

Your OChem text: dehydration of alcohols (Vollhardt & Schore, Section 9.2, but also Chapter 7 for general background and Section 7.6 for the E1 elimination mechanism in particular)

Mohrig: Ch. 12, sections 12.1-1.2, 12.4 and 12.8

Lab Manual: Exp 2: section IV and V



Dehydration of alcohol; distillation.
PreLab 5 due Sunday midnight. 
Report 1 due Wednesday, Nov. 2

Hydrolyze Grignard; workup/distill ether

Week 7:

Nov. 7-11

Mohrig: Ch. 20 Lec:


Gas chromatography
PreLab 6 due Sunday midnight.

Elimination reaction to make butenes.
Note: Nov. 11 is a University holiday. We will have no lab period either on Nov. 10 (Thursday) nor Nov. 11 (Friday). We'll pick up next week.

Week 8:

Nov. 14-18

Lab Manual: Exp 2: section VI

Lab Manual: Last section ("Thermo. of Equilibrium")



PreLab 7 due Sunday midnight.

Elimination (Tues/Wed);  

Week 9:

Nov. 21-23

Web pages on statistics (and pages linked from this initial page).




Error Analysis; Data manipulation for Expt. II. 
Report 2 due Monday, Nov. 21

Making stock solutions, sealing ampules, thermal equilibration.

Nov. 24-25    Thanksgiving
Week 10:

Nov. 28-Dec. 2




Conclusion/ Tips for Final Report
Last PreLab 8 due Sunday midnight.

Finish Expt. II;

Finals Week:

Dec. 8

   Report 3 (group report) due for both sections is  WEDNESDAY by 5 pm on Canvas.

1,2,3Reading assignments:

You should read the background material before coming to lecture.  "Mohrig" refers to Mohrig, Hammond, Schatz and Morrill, "Techniques in Organic Chemistry" (blue, 4th Ed.); if you purchased an earlier edition we can provide a "mapping" of the current assignments to what you have. "GNS" denotes Garland, Nibler, Shoemaker, "Experiments in Physical Chemistry," 7th or 8th or 9th edition; . "Lab Manual" denotes background material in the Experimental Chemistry I lab manual (lab procedures must be read before each lab period).  Vollhardt & Schore refers to the text for CH 334-5-6, "Organic Chemistry", 8th Ed., by K. P. C. Vollhardt & N. Schore.

Chemistry 361 Homepage
Link to Learning Outcomes for CH 361/CH 361H