Spectroscopic Features of Epoxides

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IR Spectroscopy

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Epoxides, like ethers, generally have no easily distinguishable IR band but rather are identified based on:

There may actually be an assignable C-O band between 1300-1000 cm-1 in this molecule. Because there are often overlapping fingerprint-type bands nearby, assignment can be impossible without comparing the isotopically labeled (18O) compound.

1H NMR Spectroscopy

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As with ethers, there are signals for any proton on the oxygen-bearing carbon; however, the ring strain of the epoxide slightly changes the carbon hybridization and this the chemical shift. These now will occur further upfield, between 2-3.5 ppm and will couple normally to any neighbors. (the electron-withdrawing nature of the aromatic ring deshields the benzylic proton in the epoxide.)

Again, click on any signal to highlight the proton responsible for it.

13C NMR Spectroscopy

Load the 13C NMR spectrum

Likewise, epoxides contain carbons bearing an oxygen which are deshielded, but occur a bit upfield of an ether, normally occur in the 30-60 ppm region; a carbon with more than one oxygen may be further downfield. Epoxide carbons come at higher field (45-55 ppm) because of the effects of ring strain, as is seen in the 1H NMR.

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