- You recognize the origin of the term
"carbohydrate" as "hydrate of carbon" and know how to apply this
historical designation to chemical formulas.
- You know how to decide whether a carbohydrate is a monosaccharide, a disaccharide, a trisaccharide, an
oligosaccharide or a polysaccharide.
- You know the major formalisms for drawing
carbohydrates: the Fischer and Haworth projections. Given either
of these, you can designate R and S configurations at each carbon. You can draw sawhorse
projections of any structure given as a Fischer or Haworth projection.
- You know the difference between an aldose and a
ketose, and can identify any carbohydrate as one or the other given its
- You can assign any carbohydrate structure as D or L.
- Based on chemistry you remember from Ch. 18, you
recognize the ability of carbohydrates to exist as cyclic
hemiacetals. You recognize also that these hemiacetals may be 5-member rings
(furanoses) or 6-member rings (pyranoses).
- You recognize that any cyclic hemiacetal form may
exist as one of two diastereomers based on the configuration of the anomeric
- You can draw β-D glucopyranose from memory.
You can draw this as a chair cyclohexane or as a Haworth projection, and you can also draw
the open chain form as a Fischer projection.
- You can draw the chair cyclohexane, Haworth or
Fischer projection of any other hexose, given its stereochemical relationship to
- You recognize the ability of a carbohydrate to
engage in any of the reactions of its substituent functional groups: alcohols and
- You remember how acetals and ketals can be formed
from hemiacetals or hemiketals (Ch. 18). You can apply this knowledge to glycoside
formation and hydrolysis.
- You recognize the oxidizable functional groups in
carbohydrates (alcohols, aldehydes), and you can predict based on structure whether a
carbohydrate is a reducing or a nonreducing sugar.
- You recognize how to extend an aldose chain via the
Kiliani-Fischer synthesis: form a cyanohydrin,
and reduce/hydrolyze the cyano group. You recognize the stereochemical consequences of
this synthesis.
- You know the Wohl
degradation process, by which hydroxylamine converts an aldose into a cyanohydrin,
which then loses HCN. You recognize the stereochemical consequences of this
- You recognize the philosophy
behind Fischer's demonstration of carbohydrate stereochemistry.