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IR SpectroscopyLoad the IR Spectrum Identifying ketones starts with observing a carbonyl stretch (1650-1800); normally this is the strongest peak in the spectrum. Electronics are important; electronegative R groups may give slightly higher frequencies, but conjugation can also (more commonly) lower the frequency. As you can see, cyclohexanone, a typical ketone, shows a peak at 1720 cm-1. Aromatic ketones are typically below 1700 cm-1. Ring strain can raise the frequency. |
1H NMR SpectroscopyLoad the 1H NMR Since ketones have no hydrogen directly attached to the functional group, evidence in the 1H NMR is indirect. |
13C NMR SpectroscopyLoad the 13C NMR spectrum The carbonyl carbon is in 190 ppm or further downfield. Only ketones and aldehydes occur this far downfield. The carbon signal is usually weak because of nOe enhancement of carbons attached to protons in proton-decoupled spectra. Mass spectrometryLoad mass spectrumα-Cleavage is once again a predominant fragmentation pattern since the oxygen is the primary site of ionization. In this case, a single cleavage simply opens the ring; a second slightly different cleavage leads to loss of CO at m/z = 70. For linear ketones, cleavage of each (separate) alkyl chain is typically observed. |