Butane provides a relatively simple demonstration of the energetic
issues we face in evaluating rotational isomerism. Our goal is to
understand several things:
- What will be the most stable conformer of
an alkane (or
other molecule?
- What general principles can we find in
order to make a
prediction for a molecule we've never seen?
- What are the underlying physical laws that
control energy
vs. conformation?
- How should we think about what a collection
of molecules
will "look like"?
The analysis requires is to define a measure of
structure. We will use the dihedral angle, the angular measure of
the "twist" of groups around a bond. In this analysis, we are
looking at the dihedral angle between the two terminal methyl groups in
A very useful drawing convention is the Newman projection, named after
the chemist who invented it in the 1960s. To draw a Newman
projection, use the following process:
- Draw a circle. This represents the
bond down which we
- If the front carbon is sp3-hybridized,
draw three lines
that meet at the center of the circle, 120° apart. (An sp2
will use 2 lines 180° apart)
- If the back carbon is sp3-hybridized,
draw three lines
outside the circle that stop at the circle's edge. These three
will be 120° apart; the angular separation between a front-atom bond
and a rear-atom bond is the dihedral angle.
The rotation about the center bond in butane is shown in the chart
below using 3-D Jmol structures. You should build a model.
Compare to Figure 2-13 in the text and the Newman projections shown.
|  |
Newman projection:
anti, 180°
gauche, 300°
syn, 360°
Staggered, gauche,
anti, 180°
Energy: 0
+3.6 kcal/mol
(+16 kJ/mol)
+0.9 kcal/mol
(+3.8 kJ/mol)
Energy: +5
(+19 kJ/mol)
+0.9 kcal/mol
(+3.8 kJ/mol)
+3.6 kcal/mol
(+16 kJ/mol)
An understanding of the source of the higher energies can be seen with
space-filling models.
The space-filling model attempts to
convey the location of the electron cloud around each atom. We
see that the high energies come from moving electron clouds close
together. The closer they get, the higher the energy.
- Staggered conformations are more stable
than eclipsed
- Anti conformations are most stable; each
gauche interaction costs about 0.9 kcal/mol.
From examination of ethane, we know that a CH-CH
eclipsing interaction costs 0.9 kcal/mol. We can deduce, then,
that each CH-CC eclipsing interaction costs (3.6 kcal/mol - 0.9
kcal/mol)/2 = 1.4 kcal/mol. A CC-CC eclipsing interaction costs (5.0
kcal/mol - 2 x 0.9 kcal/mol) = 3.2 kcal/mol.
The energies tell us how much of any form will be present in a
collection of the molecules. Remember the equation for
ΔG° = -RTlnKeq
The equilibrium between anti and gauche is a function of
the energy difference (0.9 kcal/mol) and comes out to be Keq = 4.57 at
room temperature. This works out to a mixture that is 82% anti,
18% gauche. (Work out the K for the eclipsed conformations, and
you will find there will be <0.1% of either.)