We commonly use resonance
structures to convey bonding concepts in organic chemistry. It is
important to understand first, what resonance structures mean, and
second, that this meaning corresponds to a bonding picture that can be
developed from MO theory.
First, the rules for resonance structures:
- All resonance forms must be (or correspond
to, as in the bond-line formalism) valid Lewis structures.
- Different resonance forms represent the
same molecule: all nuclear positions are identical in the two
forms. What changes is the "formal" location of electrons.
- The number of unpaired electrons must
remain the same.
- We look for "stability" in the resonance
forms, as judged by:
- Greatest number of formal bonds
- Greatest number of atoms with complete
- Least amount of formal charge, and the
most negative formal charge on the most electronegative atoms (O, N, S)
- Delocalization of charge over two or more
atoms, and delocalization of bonding, is an important stabilizing
factor in judging a set of resonance forms.
Molecular orbitals provide what initially looks
like a very different picture. They are intrinsically delocalized
descriptions, and much of the qualitative picture we get from resonance
forms is tied up in the numerical results: MO energies, atomic
charges. However, the shapes of the HOMO (Highest Occupied
Molecular Orbital) and the LUMO (Lowest Unoccupied Molecular Orbital)
along with the ESP map provide a qualitiative presentation of molecular
properties and reactivity. It helps to make some comparisons of
the descriptions from both directions.
We can now compare some examples of increasing
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Methyleneiminium Cation
Resonance structures

In one of the
structures, C is electron deficient (6 valence electrons) but in the
other, the more electronegative atom (nitrogen) has the positive
charge. We expect that the charge is shared between the atoms,
but have no way of knowing how much.
Show the HOMO: occupied; E=-0.656
Show the LUMO: empty, E=-0.326
Show the electrostatic potential map(red/orange = negative, green/blue = positive)
Download methyleneiminium.pqr(no MO data)
From the MO
computation, the results tell us the charges on the atoms are:
carbon: +0.22
nitrogen: -0.35
C-H: +0.18
N-H: +0.38
Note a couple things in the MO shapes: the HOMO is largest on the
nitrogen--the most reactive electrons are there (or, the pi bond is
polarized toward nitrogen). This corresponds to what the
right-hand resonance form describes.
The LUMO is oriented toward the carbon. Anything with electrons
will interact at this end of the pi bond.
The delocalization of the pi bond is consistent with the left-hand
resonance form: this molecule will have a barrier to rotation
about C-N (and this should be about 80 kcal/mol).
Because this molecule has a positive charge, the LUMO offers the more
relevant picture of reactivity: it will react with things that
have (at least partial) negative charge--and therefore electrons--which
will interact with the LUMO to form a new set of MOs.
Acetate Anion

Charge shared between
two oxygens. Because of symmetry, expect the charge to be equally
distributed between the two.
LUMO: E = 0.253
Show the LUMO (empty), E=+0.253
Show the π HOMO (occupied), E=-0.012
Show a lone pair MO
Show the π bonding MO, E=-0.139
Show the electrostatic potential map
Download acetate.pqr(no MO data)
Atomic charges from the MO calculation:
Carboxyl C: +0.80
O: -0.79
Methyl C: -0.22
H: 0
The LUMO is not very relevant, but you can see
the antibonding
interaction between C and the two Os. (Other contributions from
methyl mix in.)
Here, the most
relevant MO is the HOMO, because the molecule is
negatively charged, and will react with positively-charged things
seeking the most reactive electrons.
We do need to worry about the distinction between the pi electrons and
(nonbonding) lone pairs: the latter are higher in energy, but all
the pictures give the same idea: reactive electrons are on the
A low-lying MO gives us the idea of
delocalization across the carboxylate.
Methyl vinyl ketone (but-3-en-2-one)

Show the LUMO (empty), E=+0.047
Show the highest π MO (occupied), E=-0.072
Show the lower π MO (occupied), E=-0.365
Show the electrostatic potential map
Download MVK.pqr(no MO data)
Resonance can
place a
negative charge on the most electronegative atom (O). The
multiple bonding allows the corresponding positive charge to be
delocalized between Carbon-2 and Carbon-4. These properties are
imposed at the cost of creating partial electron deficiency at these
carbons. There is partial double bond character between Carbon-2
and Carbon-3.
The ESP map (click on link) shows the polarization of the molecule and the
positive electrostatic potential at carbons 2 and 4 (blue/green). Note
the positive potential at the methyl protons as well.
The LUMO illustrates
the electrophilic properties of Carbons 2 and 4. The HOMO and
HOMO-3 show the delocalization of pi bonding, particularly between
Carbon-2 and Carbon-3
The lone pairs on oxygen are comparable in energy to the HOMO,
accentuating the electron-rich nature of the oxygen.