Elements of Partial Differential Equations

This is MAP 4305/5304, Sections 2780/2844.

Time and place:
MWF 3rd Period (9:35-10:25), LIT 127.

Patrick De Leenheer
Office: 411 Little Hall
Office Hours: MWF 4th Period (10:40-11:30) or by appointment.
Email: deleenhe@math.ufl.edu
URL: www.math.ufl.edu/~deleenhe

Grade of C or better in MAP 2302 and in MAP 4305 (strictly enforced).

Text: Applied Partial Differential Equations with Fourier Series and Boundary Value Problems by Richard Haberman, 4th Edition, Pearson Prentice Hall.

Course Objectives:
This is a first course in partial differential equations (PDE's). It assumes that students are comfortable with basic solution methods for ordinary differential equations, see the prerequisites. The main motivating PDE examples are the heat and wave equation. The focus of the course is to learn some basic solution methods for PDE's. These are: (a) Separation of variables. This method leads to the topics of Fourier series and Sturm-Liouville eigenvalue problems in natural way. (b) Green's functions. (c) Characteristics.

We will cover (parts of) chapters 1-5, 9 and 12 of the text.

Course grades will be determined by your performance on 4 graded homework assignments and 4 in class exams.
Late HW is not accepted. There are no make-up exams.
The weights are: 10% per homework, 15% per exam.
In addition to the graded HW, there will be weekly HW assignments which will not be collected/graded.
Although students are allowed to work in groups on the graded HW, students must individually write down their solutions. Students turning in very similar solutions will receive a 0.

Grading Scale (maximum of 100%):

A: [>=85%]   B+: [76-84%]     B: [70-75%] C+: [65-69%]   
C: [60-64%]   D+: [55-59%]     D: [50-54%]    E: [<50%] 

Class policies, guidelines, tips, how to study (to get an A), how to prepare for exams, etc:
Although the weekly HW assignments will not be collected, I strongly encourage you to work on these problems in a timely fashion. They will prepare you for the next classes, deepen your understanding, and locate deficiencies in your understanding of the material. If you choose not to keep up with these weekly HW's you should not be surprised to find yourself behind very quickly, wondering what the heck I'm talking about in class. In parallel you should also work on the graded HW assignments. Don't wait until the week or evening before they are due as the graded HW will generally require substantial time for you to solve. Expect that each problem on average will take an afternoon or evening, and keep in mind that here will be about 8 problems per assignment. The problems on the exams will be very similar in nature to those assigned. Of course, due to the time constraint of 50 minutes for an in class exam, the exam problems will be shorter. Before every exam there will be a review session. The purpose of the review is to discuss the solutions to the homework problems and the problems of a practice exam. Consequently, solutions of the homework and practice exams will not be posted online after the review.
Attendance is not required for this class. However, it is every student's responsibility to know exactly what has been taught in class, including additional material for which lecture notes may or may not be provided. Consequently, office hours or student/teacher email exchanges will under no circumstance be devoted to re-teaching material to students who have missed a class, even if this material is not covered in the text.

University policy on accommodations for students with disabilities:
"Students requesting classroom accommodation must first register with the Dean of Students Office. The Dean of Students Office will provide documentation to the student who must then provide this documentation to the Instructor when requesting accommodation."